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The UI Charitable Users Guide


UI Charitable Advisors is a leading provider of flexible charitable vehicles such as Donor-Advised Funds, Fiscal Sponsorships and General Field of Interest Funds. Our mission is to provide philanthropic expertise and align the objectives of individual donors, financial professionals and non-profit organizations.

Why Choose UI Charitable Advisors?

  1. Expertise: With years in the industry, our team has extensive expertise in all aspects of philanthropy as well as the financial services.

  2. Tailored Solutions: We offer customized solutions tailored specifically to meet the needs of the donor, the financial advisor and the non-profit.

  3. Comprehensive Guidance: From strategic planning to implementation and evaluation, we provide end-to-end support ensuring that both donor and advisor have the access, information and tools needed to manage the giving process efficiently.

  4. Proven Track Record: We have helped thousands clients achieve their philanthropic objectives by developing innovative solutions and establishing best practices.

For more detailed information about our services and how we can assist you, please contact or call (385) 286 5900.

Goals of This Guide

  1. Inform: It is intended to inform donors and financial advisors about best practices, strategies, or techniques that can be applied in relevant scenarios.

  2. Guide: This resource intends to serve as a practical guide by providing step-by-step instructions or recommendations for achieving desired outcomes.

  3. Empower: Its purpose is to empower users with knowledge and understanding of philanthropic vehicles and how they can be used efficiently.

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